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Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria: Perfect IT service processes with ConSol CM

The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria (ELKB) is one of 20 member Churches of the Evangelical Church in Germany. It is based in Munich and is a public corporation. Employing ConSol CM in its various IT service areas has significantly improved its communication – both within and between departments: It is now possible to forward communications easily and smoothly, and the areas of responsibility, for example when standing in for people on vacation, are clearly defined and transparent. Access controls ensure the greatest security. The simple handling of processes, incidents and requests make case processing effective and efficient. A history records all activities and e-mails in a given process, providing a complete protocol. Internal news and notification functionalities ensure that important information is always communicated perfectly to all participants in the process, for instance announcements of server downtimes or case-specific information for processor and customer alike. This too ensures the smooth operation of the IT processes.

ConSol CM Field of Application

IT Service


Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria


Church, Public administration


ConSol CM

Wrap up

The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria uses ConSol CM for the various fields of IT service. Thanks to clearly regulated access rights and responsibilities, inquiries can be processed quickly both within and across departments.


  • Improved communication
  • Clearly regulated responsibilities, for instance when covering for staff on vacation or sick leave, etc.
  • Efficient handling of processes, incidents and requests