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Complaint Management at Frankfurt Airport

One of the world's largest airport operators, Fraport AG, organizes complaint management at Frankfurt Airport with the Customer Service Management (CSM) solution ConSol CM. The aim of the measure called 'Impulse Management' is to use a central solution for the receipt and processing as well as for the analysis and evaluation of customer feedback. Feedback of all kinds is bundled in ConSol CM as a platform and recorded for further processing in order to be able to react even faster and more effectively – especially in case of complaints. Feedback can now be analyzed across divisions and recommendations for action can be derived from it. The system is being continuously expanded.

ConSol CM Field of Application

Passenger Complaint Management




Transportation, Airport operator


ConSol CM

Wrap up

Under the name Impulse Management, Fraport AG records and processes customer feedback and complaints centrally using ConSol CM software.


  • Recording and systematic processing of customer feedback
  • Analysis and evaluation of requests
  • Best practices and quick responses
  • High-quality customer service