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Imaging Service AG: Digitalized diagnosis communication with ConSol CM

Imaging Service AG is a provider of comprehensive and integrated concepts for clinics and radiological practices. Under the name TeleMacs, it uses ConSol CM as a telemedicine portal, ensuring the safe exchange of patient data. The entire diagnosis communication is executed through the portal – from the request for an examination, to the determining of a protocol, all the way through to providing the clinical diagnosis. All chronological procedures of a given case that cannot be covered with customary fax requests, can now be traced precisely. Exclusively person-specific access rights aligned to the respective user's position also contribute to a high level of security. TeleMacs is a web portal, so specialists on call can also get into the portal and gain access to the diagnoses. To ensure a maximum of stability and reliability, ConSol CM was installed as a JBoss cluster. A Microsoft SQL server cluster is used for the database, and a second computing center is set up as a redundant emergency/standby system to seamlessly assume operations if the primary computing center should malfunction.

ConSol CM Field of Application

Case Management

Process Management


Imaging Service AG




ConSol CM

Wrap up

ConSol is used by the customer under the name "TeleMacs" and ensures the secure, digital exchange of patient data.


  • Complete handling of diagnosis communication
  • Traceability of the chronological sequence of the case
  • Security through person-specific access rights